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Siege Event

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Siege event reward for clan winner 200 Euro = 200 Donate Coin in game
For Ally 50 Euro = 50 Donate Coin in game

For Losers +Ally
20 Euros = 20 Donate Coins in game

so that we don't have discussions "which player will get the reward" we will record the whole battle so that we have the names of the characters who participated in the siege-event after the event ends we will add all the names to random.org and from there we will take the first result and we will reward him
everything will be LIVE on twitch so we don't have discussions
we have seen on other servers that the reward is given to the leader, it doesn't seem right to us, the best thing is to give a chance to the other players as well
it would be preferable if you registered, post here on the forum so that we know in advance how many clans will be active at the siege
if we have players and activity on the server, everything we posted here will become a real reward
Thank You !
Siege Every Week 120 Minutes legth
SiegeGiran =  SATURDAY
SiegeOren  =  SUNDAY
SiegeDion =   FRIDAY
SiegeInnadril = FRIDAY
SiegeAden   =   SATURDAY
SiegeGoddard = SUNDAY
SiegeRune  = SUNDAY
SiegeGludio  = FRIDAY
SiegeSchuttgart = SUNDAY
SiegeInnadrilHour = 20:00
SiegeSchuttgartHour = 20:00
SiegeGludioHour = 16:00
SiegeGoddardHour = 16:00
SiegeAdenHour = 20:00
SiegeRuneHour = 18:00
SiegeDionHour = 18:00
SiegeGiranHour = 16:00
SiegeOrenHour = 14:00

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